An Elizabethan & Jacobean Impropriator's House

Reputedly the oldest house in the Vale of Belvoir

Long Clawson's Old Manor House, opposite the Parish Church, is a mullioned stone house, a rebuilding of a Norman grange or tithe collector's house by Sir Andrew Noel of Old Dalby who started c.1580 and Sir Henry Hastings who completed it c.1610, but the mediaeval porch to the house of the monks' men from Belvoir yet shelters the front door. A description in The King's England as "comely and stately among its trees," masked years of genteel neglect that had allowed the house, which is listed Grade II* by English Heritage, both to retain a huge amount of history but also to slip onto the "at risk" register. During conservation over 25 years many interesting features were uncovered: wig cupboards, Elizabethan fireplaces, medieval foundations, a long gallery, 16th to 18th century signatures, even a love poem scratched into the plaster work. The house also retains some of the dairy fixtures from Victorian times when prize-winning Stilton cheese was made here, and it remains a working farmhouse.

Research and restoration went hand in hand, met with general approval and the odd award, and we are still making discoveries. We lead tours of the house on periodic open days and have hosted the Fellows of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings and several local history groups. Now, for the second time in history, the house is the home of the resident priest or parson for the village.

The large fish pond, one of three dug maybe around 1070 by Ivo de Ticheville, and one which was he gave with the church to Belvoir Priory, is frequented by mallards, coots, moorhens, Greylag geese and swans, all of which have nested here over recent years. Newts, frogs and a shoal of goldfish can often be seen, when they are not hiding from the local heron. Fortunate visitors might catch a glimpse of a kingfisher. Gardens have been laid out in keeping with the Jacobean style of the house. Cobble paths have been revealed, York flagstone walkways laid, and traditional mud walls have been rebuilt around the perimeter.

We've built a stone barn to replace the original knocked down in the 1980s. We've built a green oak, daub and thatched summerhouse.
Finally, for our intrepid visitors, we've refurbed the mud-walled back-to-back loos, Jakes and Privy, now CAMROT approved.